Recently we started NOW Partners ( With an international group of top consultants, investors and influencers we accelerate the growth of the B (-enefit) Economy, B Corps, B Cities and regenerative eco-systems. We’re located in Amsterdam, Palo Alto, Sao Paolo, Madrid and Rome. Pursuing a philosophy of interdependence, we collaborate with partners to evolve and strengthen a benefit economy and society that are regenerative, just, humane, and serve all living beings everywhere, including future generations. We practice a wide variety of for-benefit entrepreneurial activities that integrate economic activity and human development with innovative social and planetary sustainability. 10% of our revenues go to projects for distressed communities.

From 2016 I’ve been a partner of the Global Leaders Academy in London: : We bring CEO’s together in life changing inquiry programs. I spent part of the month in the UK and the other part in the Netherlands where I’m living.

I am a lecturer at Nyenrode Business University since 2007 and executive lead coach for TIAS Business University.

I’ve been working with and learning from Joseph Jaworski, Otto Scharmer, Sue Cheshire  and Arthur Zajonc in various projects. Co-facilitating the 2 year Masterclass Theory U in Boston was a wonderful opportunity to connect with 90 world class change makers.

Over the years I’ve applied the U-process in strategy assignments and leadership development programs. I work for a.o. ABN AMRO, AkzoNobel, Amsterdam city, AsFarAs, City of Rotterdam and Amsterdam, Dutch Courts, Dutch Tax Authorities, FMO Bank, GOOD Group, HFLS, Hospitals (University & Local), ICS, IKNL, Joulz, KLM, LyondellBasell, Ministry of Defence, Natuurmonumenten, Nyenrode Business University, Parnassia, Philips, PON Holding, Port of Amsterdam, Provinces, Rabobank, Sandvik, Sarvodaya, SHV, SIOO, Start-ups, TIAS Business School, TNO, Triodos Bank, Unilever, VGZ, Windesheim.

More on my background:

Recent Projects

  • Team coaching of the board of a financial institution during severe crisis
  • Team coaching Royal Marechaussee
  • Leadership Program for the Board Members of the 15 Dutch Courts in collaboration with TIAS Business school
  • Leadership Program for the Top of the Ministry of Defence
  • Strategy and team development of the Dutch Cancer Institute
  • Team and Individual Coaching of the Good Group
  • Team coaching, strategy development and governance transformation of a large consultancy
  • Organising HR-Topseminars for the top of the Dutch Tax Authorities
  • Team coaching management teams Tax Authorities
  • Leadership development workshops Presidents and boards Dutch Courts
  • Leadership program (2 years) for the international directors of a multinational
  • Revitalising program for an underperforming province of the Netherlands
  • Strategy development and team coaching Triodos Bank
  • Visionary leadership program for the next generation board members of a financial institution (2 year program)
  • Founding and organising the conferences ‘Crossing the tipping point’
  • International projects in Brazil, Sri Lanka, UK, USA, Sweden, Spain, China around the SDG’s, B-corps and regenerative leadership

What clients say

Dijksterhuis’ approach to organizational transformation aligns the external world with an analysis of the inner world of people and organizations. He successfully marries measurable facts, emerging social challenges and the need for clear goals with personal values, authenticity and business principles. The combination has proven to be very effective for Triodos Bank helping it to realize its strategy and take significant steps in its development.

– Peter Blom, CEO Triodos Bank and Chair of the Global Alliance for Banking on Values

Hein leads with a strong drive from his soul with a surprising combination of patience and rational reflection, together with a hands-on approach. These qualities deliver an inspiring and relevant organizational transformation process.

– Ad van Luijn, CFO Dutch Tax Authorities