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Cycling the Dutch flower fields. My sailing boat is sold! For the first time in 45 years I’m not the proud owner of a sailing vessel. Sailing has been part of my identity for many years. So it took some time to make the decision to sell her: Lucy III, named after my mother.

So now it’s time to explore new territory: flower fields, dunes, forests and mountains. Cycling is more physical than sailing. It brings new experiences of being totally exhausted, craving for water and the fun of riding with new partners. One of them is my son with whom I’ve been sailing races internationally the past years. Now we ride as fast as we can around the lake closest to us and where I sailed during my teens: the Kaag. Just as much fun together and less hassle to rig the boat!

One of the last pictures of my boat during the last race we sailed, August 2020. Photo taken by Sander van der Borch, a keen cycler!


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