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I was asked to give a presentation about ‘a good conversation’ for 50 high ranked individuals in The Netherlands. They wanted to have a real conversation with each other. I combined in my presentation the idea of ‘Wholeness’ of Laloux with the four levels of listening and the three inner voices from Theory U. We did a fishbowl dialog afterwards and halfway I asked the ‘audience’ what they felt while listening to the people at the round table in the inner circle. I was touched and deeply impressed by their sharing. In the link you will find the slides that I used: Een goed gesprek

Over the years I’ve specialized myself to have good conversations with large groups. As Bohm states: you need 40 people in the room to get all the different viewpoints on a certain topic. The design of these meetings is important to have people feel at ease (‘build a container’) and is different every time. I like to give this a good thought and then letting it happen in the moment. Most of the time the meetings become very special to the participants.

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  • Ad Huikeshoven says:

    Mooie combinatie van Scharmer en Laloux. Hun boeken staan op mijn leeslijst. En er is één ding waar ik constant op zoek ben geweest de afgelopen vijf jaar: een goed gesprek.

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