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2014 Star Class World Championship - MalcesineAfter sailing races for more than 40 years it will be a first this year: organizing one! In August, right after Sail Amsterdam we will organize the ‘Eastern Hemisphere Championship’. Since most people east from Europe are too small (or better: not heavy enough) to sail the Star it’s more like the European Championships. And to make it even more complicated, many Americans and Brazilians will join us since they have a boat in Europe and like to sail. Muiden will be the venue and we will sail on 2 courses east and west of Pampus from August 25th-30th. Here you can find the Notice of Race: International Star Class Yacht Racing Association

With my son Jim I explored the racecourse last weekend and we even managed to win the ‘preparatory’ races. That was promising :-). Our host, The Royal Yacht Club of Muiden has a beautiful clubhouse with terrace, a great regatta committee and is located directly opposite of the Muiderslot, a castle build in 1285! We are trying to organize the sailors dinner in the ballroom of the fortress.

I start now to appreciate how much people have done for me to enjoy racing so much the past 40 years. I never truly realized how many volunteers, associations, officials are needed to organize such a huge event. The obligatory ‘thank you speech’ after racing gets a whole new meaning.

Saturday August 29 we will organize a boat for the public to follow the races. I don’t have any illusions of winning this regatta, organizing is already an effort. But if we end up in the top 10 my father promised to throw a party. That will be special with three generations of sailors…


The picture is from last year in Brunnen, can’t find the credit for the photographer.

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