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It’s done (imagine a sigh of relief): I finished my second book last weekend. I started 3 years ago writing about my consultancy practice, encouraged by Wim Beijderwellen. He passed away last year January and that left a gap within myself and in my writing. But last fall I found new spirits and was surprised by how much I had written already. So I shared some of the stuff with colleagues and they were pretty enthusiastic and told me I wasn’t ready yet. So I subscribed again to the Harvard Business Review Magazine, read the articles about transformation and reflected back on my assignments of the past years. That led to the second chapter of the book: Refinding the purpose of the organization. Kotter describes in his articles that ‘tectonic shifts’ are happening with his 8 step approach. But that didn’t happen for me in the assignments in the early years of this millennium. So I dove deeply into Theory U starting in 2004 and took my own development as a consultant and human being seriously. That is chapter 1: Developing your inner state as intervenor. It led to new assignments where indeed ‘tectonic shifts’ happened. I came to a few insights what conditions are needed to realize deep change in organizations. The first 2 chapters were written.

Last year I was asked to link Theory U and coaching for a large group of business coaches. I had given it already some thought but not in a structured way. So the presentation that I gave led to chapter 3: Transformative coaching. This chapter was the most fun to write. I combined my own experiences as a coach and someone being coached. I invented the character Pauline and this chapter is a “verbatim” of the dialogues my imaginary coaching client and myself have had. I started to love my imaginary coaching client Pauline.

I’ve written the last chapter about transformative group dialogue together with my colleagues from the Masterclass Theory U: Margaret O’Bryon (who edited the book), Arawana Hayashi, Beth Mount, Willem van Spijker, Steffen Schneider and Gregor Barnum. We formed together a ‘Circle of Seven’ and coached each other online for several years. That became a transformative experience for all. During a meeting at Steffen’s farm in upstate New York we reflected on our experiences and started writing this chapter 4.

So 4 chapters ‘Coming into Presence’ written from different viewpoints dealing with the essence of transformation.

I did already get some praise for Coming into Presence and these people were so appreciative that alone was already enough reason the write the book.

Advance praise for ‘Coming into Presence’

I emphasize in my last book “Source” the importance of developing the inner condition of the leader to realize transformation. Hein shows in this book “Coming into Presence” that he takes this principle seriously.

Joseph Jaworski, Chairman Generon International and the Global Leadership Initiative, Transformational Leadership Expert

Dijksterhuis’ approach to organizational transformation aligns the external world with an analysis of the inner world of people and organizations. He successfully marries measurable facts, emerging social challenges and the need for clear goals with personal values, authen- ticity and business principles. The combination has proven to be very effective for Triodos Bank helping it to realize its strategy and take significant steps in its development.

Peter Blom, CEO Triodos Bank and Chair of the Global Alliance for Banking on Values

In facilitating leadership and innovation programs around the world with Hein, I witnessed his unique capacity to translate what it took to become world Champion in sailing into bringing out the best in people and organizations. His strategic clarity and his intuitive attunement to his team, his competitors and nature allowed him to steer a winning course in uncertain terrain. Whether we worked in Sri Lanka with the country’s leading social move- ment or with the top bankers in Europe or innovators in Brazil he proved not only to be a skillful professional but also a dep human being whose authentic humanity incites others to risk real change.

Walter Link, Co-Founder Global Leadership TV, Chair Global Academy Foundation, Turntoo

With his new book, Hein gives the reader a detailed insight in how he coaches clients. The “verbatim” reports allow the reader to closely follow how “the story develops”. With this, Hein takes coaching to a next level.

Paul Loven, CFRO and member executive committee PGGM and member multiple Supervisory Boards

The cover is a selfie by my daughter who is coming into presence.

More information about my book:

In 2 weeks time you can order the book from this website. An ebook will be available.

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