I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
2011 has been special for me, some highlights:
We created the second (and evaluated the first) 3 year strategy plan with Triodos Bank and finished the Visionary Leadership Program.
The masterclass Theory U in Cambridge and Cape Cod and the coaching groups really took off this year. It was great to co-design the third workshop around presencing. For many it became a life changing experience.
With my colleagues of UNOO we brought the Health Innovation Lab several steps further and the prototypes are materializing. We missed a huge assignment over the summer but got several very inspiring new clients.
I visited New York with my son and we went with the family to Italy during the summer Holidays where we cruised the lagoon of Venice.
And I ended 2011 designing this new blog with Lars Rengersen. It’s still the beta version but I like it already (and you can share now what you think of it).
What is 2012 already bringing besides a crisis?
The 25th anniversary of CORDES! We will celebrate this by organizing throughout the year a dialogue about what the world will look like after the crisis. Next to that we will treat ourselves on a journey to a remote island.
UNOO will bring the Health Innovation Lab to another level. We have now approximately 70 people participating in the different workshops and we want to upscale that to 150 in the next year. Malcolm Gladwell tells us that we’re then a force to be reckoned with…
I am grateful to have some great strategy and coaching assignments for several new clients.
A journey in February to Sri Lanka where we will support dr. Ariyaratne to bring his Shramadana movement to the next level and learn from his wisdom.