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“The success of the intervention depends on the interior condition of the intervenor” is one of the key statements of Theory U. ‘So if your inner condition looks and feels like the cockpit of a Dreamliner (Boeing 787) or a Waco plane from 1932 makes a difference…,’ was my opening statement today for leaders of Air France/KLM at Nyenrode Business University.

Together with Marianne I designed a completely different workshop than the many we gave before. It’s always great to work with her. This time we introduced Social Presencing Theatre. After some interactive introduction into Theory U and a walking dialogue we asked them about the future of the Airline Industry. We found 12 roles (passenger, airline crew, manager, government, climate crisis, competitors, skype, oil, and a few more) that people took on. Then we did a constellation practice: position yourself in the current situation and then let it evolve into the future.

People were shocked how accurately the system showed itself during the practice. It indeed is a very powerful tool to diagnose where the system is stuck. People start to realize how they are part of that system and how they contribute to it. Next to that you learn to empathize with other people in the field. You step in their shoes and feel their emotions and interests.

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