I am asked to crew a ‘Rainbow yacht.’ It’s the majestic Dutch sailing class: The Grand Old Lady. Our boat is from 1926 but fully restored this winter and better than she ever was before. We’re in front here but my wife is very gentle to us. There were a few more sailing before us. It was fun to try out sailing in my backyard and I guess this wasn’t for the last time.
It’s new for me to sail one mile from home, get together half way during the morning and sail an hour later. That’s not what I’m used to! What is even better is that they bring in between races a lunch box to every boat: booze, sandwiches, water, chocolate bars, fruit, you name it. Why do I pay € 300 to sail Worldcup Races where you get nothing except for sponsor stickers that you have to stick to your boat?
I gave a Theory U presentation last week in the North of The Netherlands. I discovered that all guys are as big or bigger than me up North. Made me realize that my ancestors come from Groningen. Presentation was fun, great audience that gathered because Coachkwadraat existed five yeras. Mieke asked me to give an introduction in Theory U. I’ll upload the slides that I used.
Busy with the UNOO guys preparing a Request for Proposal for coaching the top 100 and the Executive Board of one of the biggest corporations in the Netherlands. Nice that they have found us already! We will upload all kind of videos in our proposal from our Brazilian television project. They will realize we’re a little different 🙂 But these RFP’s are bothersome…