Most of the upcoming week I will be with more than 100 bankers in the beautiful settings of Segovia (Spain, close to Madrid and 33 degrees Celsius at the moment). One of the outings will be a visit to the glass museum. Culture and strategy are the key topics we’re going to dive into.
Two months ago we formulated with the top 35 the guidelines for the strategy for the upcoming 3 years. But what is the culture we’re looking for? What is already great and where do we see challenges? What inhibits us to get where we want to be and what do we see as our highest potential?
We will meet key customers from Spain, inspiring front runners and feel the warmth of the sun and the culture of Spain. Toledo was already great a few months ago, now in springtime to be in Segovia is wonderful. It will be the last ‘big’ workshop before the Holidays.
The upcoming 3 weeks will be busy with giving presentations, preparations for September and writing my ideas around ‘where movement starts.’