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Otto Scharmer and Arthur Zajonc have confirmed their participation in our Health 3.0 initiative. We start a 2 year program in which we are going to develop prototypes, develop a sustainable (and financially possible) vision on the health care sector and develop our personal ‘leadership’ capacities. Underneath you will find part of our flyer. If you are interested and want more information: send me an email or give me a call.


Health 3.0 is an initiative by Jan van der Greef (TNO) and Hein Dijksterhuis (UNOO) to unite frontrunners in Health Care and facilitate multi-stakeholder innovation across the Health care system.

Why – stuck in the system

In the Western world, we are challenged to reinvent our health care system. Merely due to the ageing population the costs become unbearable. This conclusion is old news. Over the past decades liberalization, new financial structures, process improvements and increased specialization initiatives have tried to turn the tide. They predominantly have led to valuable improvements. Unfortunately, they did not bring more than that.

Health 3.0 – towards a new health paradigm?

At the same time, we notice that increasingly key players are willing and open to explore beyond the boundaries of the current paradigm on which health care in the Western world is based. They are eager to question the foundations the current system was built upon.

Health 3.0

We combine creating a vision, exploring innovation in practise and personal development in one programme.

• Vision Health 3.0 – throughout the programme participants develop an integral vision together that can be used as a beacon for transformation in the sector.

• Prototypes – participants visit prototypes that contain possible building blocks for the vision and they are invited to start new prototypes together.

• Leadership – “Be the change you want to see.” is a guiding principle. Hence personal reflection is an embedded ingredient in all activities in the programme.

Participants are frontrunners in their field

Organisations participate with 3-5 persons per organisation. The participants are innovators in their organisations and are from different sectors within the health industry, i.e. health care and cure, insurance, science, government, independent professionals. Together they make a difference in the current and the new system.


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