Passion for Performance

Working with the sailing Olympic medallists and their coaches gave me surprising insights around increasing presence and performance. So many, that I had to write a book about it in 2017. I dedicated the book to my father who transferred his passion for sailing on to me. But it’s written in Dutch and I hope it will sell so well that the publisher Hollandia will translate it into English. The sailing headcoaches of the Netherlands and Belgium were impressed by the book. It gave them more insight in themselves and the campaigns they organised.

To order the book, visit the webshop of this site

Great interview in top sailing magazine Nautique

I am Back – with Love

Fasting for 4 days on top of a mountain in the Anza Borrego Desert made me realize that I am healthy again. I kept a journal to record feelings of misery and awe, my dreams and insights. Back home I had to write it down properly and it resulted in my first book: “I am back – with Love”. It took me only a week, still full of natural energy.

Together with my guru Joseph Jaworski (author of Synchronicity) I organized a book launch in de Rode Hoed in Amsterdam. He presented his book “Source” and I shared the story of “I am Back-with Love”. Over 300 people attended the meeting and I experienced what it was to be an author: cramped hand because of all the signatures. Together we gave a workshop afterwards to deepen our understanding of the inner development of the transformational change agent.


‘Coming into Presence; stories about personal and organizational transformation’

“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country.”

Abraham Lincoln (December 1862) to the second annual meeting of Congress

This is the opening of my second book. It was published in 2014. I share my experiences of 10 years applying the U Process. One chapter is dealing with my personal story and how I dealt with my heart problems. In the second I describe how to use the U in strategy assignments for business clients. The third chapter was the most fun to write: it’s a dialogue between myself as a coach and an imaginary client. In between I share my insights about coaching and how to realize your full potential. The last chapter of the book is written with my colleagues of the Presencing Institute. We write about our experiences of a 2 year online peergroup coaching process that proved to be transformational for all of us.

All books are available in the webshop of this website.

Praise for ‘I am back – with Love’ & ‘Coming into Presence’

I emphasize in my last book “Source” the importance of developing the inner condition of the leader to realize transformation. Hein shows in this book “Coming into Presence” that he takes this principle seriously.

– Joseph Jaworski, Chairman Generon International and the Global Leadership Initiative, Transformational Leadership Expert

Dijksterhuis’ approach to organizational transformation aligns the external world with an analysis of the inner world of people and organizations. He successfully marries measurable facts, emerging social challenges and the need for clear goals with personal values, authenticity and business principles. The combination has proven to be very effective for Triodos Bank helping it to realize its strategy and take significant steps in its development.

– Peter Blom, CEO Triodos Bank and Chair of the Global Alliance for Banking on Values

You have a unique style of storytelling that is very engaging and connects to the reader. Isn’t it human to struggle the way you have… the way all of us do. You tell your story with humor; with great honesty and truth, in a way that connects your humanity to others.

– Margaret K. O’Bryon, President and CEO Consumer Health Foundation, Washington DC

In facilitating leadership and innovation programs around the world with Hein, I witnessed his unique capacity to translate what it took to become world Champion in sailing into bringing out the best in people and organizations. His strategic clarity and his intuitive attunement to his team, his competitors and nature allowed him to steer a winning course in uncertain terrain. Whether we worked in Sri Lanka with the country’s leading social movement or with the top bankers in Europe or innovators in Brazil he proved not only to be a skillful professional but also a deep human being whose authentic humanity incites others to risk real change.

– Walter Link, Co-Founder Global Leadership TV, Chair Global Academy Foundation, Turntoo

With his new book, Hein gives the reader a detailed insight in how he coaches clients. The “verbatim” reports allow the reader to closely follow how “the story develops”. With this, Hein takes coaching to a next level.

– Paul Loven, CFRO and member executive committee PGGM and member multiple Supervisory Boards

From now you’re a great author to me! You gave me the opportunity to travel with you, to sit on your shoulder, to share your thoughts and feelings during your courageous personal journey and writing process. And yes, you made it! “I’m back” is a very intimate story. After reading this I know for sure, the only choice I have is to follow my heart.

– Wim Beijderwellen, ecologist, producer and documentary maker

Anyone on the planet can sense authenticity. This book is a beautiful and inspiring example.

– Jim Marsden, nature guide, consultant and core member of the Presencing Institute

Hein leads with a strong drive from his soul with a surprising combination of patience and rational reflection, together with a hands-on approach. These qualities deliver an inspiring and relevant organizational transformation process.

– Ad van Luijn, CFO of a Dutch Government Agency

And now I even love you more

– Hein’s wife